Friday, March 27, 2015

Lent day 38

I was reading today in Matthew 26 about the women who poured perfume on Jesus’ head and I realized how different Jesus’ response to her is then a lot of the world would have been.

Not only did He let her touch Him and pour the perfume on Him, which, if I remember right, in Jewish culture men and women who were not married wouldn’t have really touched each other, but He also says that her good deed will be told for ages to come where ever His story is told.

It says a lot about the views Christians should have towards women. So many times it seems like women have been marginalized and pushed to the side. Told to be quiet and just follow her man around doing whatever he desires of her.

But if you read the New Testament, you get a vastly different view on women.

In the genealogy of Jesus, you see several times where the women are pointed out and exalted.

Jesus had several women in His inner circle and treated women as equals.

It doesn’t really seem to me that He ever really talks down to them in any way. In fact I would say He tends to lift them up.

After His resurrection, the first person He chose to show Himself to, was a women. He could have chosen anyone anywhere. But He chose Mary Magdalene.

I think this goes with the things Jesus has taught us all along. His mission was not to the well off, or to the already saved people.

His mission was to reach the unreachable.

Tough the untouchable.

Speak the unspeakable.

Challenge the unchallenged.

And this is the mission He called us too also.

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