Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lent day 37

Today I was reading again in Matthew 25 where Jesus is talking about what we’ve done to the least of these we’ve done to Him.

N.T. Wright talked about some of the things that I talked about yesterday, but as usual he said it better and in more complete thoughts.

He pointed out that it’s not that the ones who took care of Jesus, knew that was what they were doing when they did it. They just saw people in need and helped them. They didn’t need to have an item on a list checked off. They just knew that these people needed help and they could help them. So they did.

That’s the way Christians should act.

I was reading an article in Relevant Magazine the other day about the race issues that have been happening and how we should be handling them as Christians. The article was by Christian rap artist Propaganda. I’ve gotten into his music lately and was excited to read this article by him. His dad was a Black Panther and he’s dealt with these issues in his music.

He said in the article, “Christians, of all people, should put their arms around a hurting person. You don’t need to know why they hurt.”

That really stuck with me, because in so many ways today, we, as Christians, are known by our hate. People assume that if we are Christians, then we hate all of these things.

That is so sad. Jesus called us to be known by our love. To love all of those around us. Even to love our enemies and those that hate us.

We should not be spreading hatred.

We should be spreading love.

God loved us when we hated Him. Jesus died for us while we turned our backs on Him.

How can we who know this life changing love, not spread it to all of those around us. No matter what their circumstances.

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