Thursday, August 9, 2012

Road Trip

I’m writing this from the back seat of a minivan on our way to Jennifer’s grandparents house. I’ve spent a lot of time in cars in my life. Been on a lot of long trips.

Something about being in the road brings out this talkative side in me. There are a bunch of stories from when I was a kid and would talk for the whole trip.

There was one trip where my dad, brother, and I were driving from dropping off my mom. Before we left the people my mom was staying with told me to make sure and keep my dad awake while we drove home late into the night. My brother was asleep in the back seat. I was in the front seat and the only time I stopped talking the whole way home, was when the highway patrol pulled us over for speeding. I guess my dad wanted to get out of the car as fast as possible.

But still to this day, when I’m on long trips, I find myself more talkative. Especially if I’m driving. Some of the deepest conversations Jennifer and I have ever had have been on road trips. Something about being out on the open road slows my brain down enough to talk through things with others.

So here’s to the open road, and long conversations.

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