Saturday, August 18, 2012


As most of you know, we flew home from Kansas yesterday. It’s been great to be home. It’s always nice to be with family. But I really miss being home in my own space. I truly am a homebody. But anyway, that’s not really what I wanted to write about today. I wanted to write about flying.

I’ve flown several times in my life. But I still get really nervous at both the take off and landing. Coming back into Portland this time wasn’t too bad. But on the way out to Kansas, when we started our decent, you could just feel the change in course. It felt like the bottom was falling out of the plane. It was one of the most unnerving feelings I’ve ever had. Just felt like we were falling out of the sky. Which I guess, technically, we were.

I’m not saying that I’m really scared of flying. Just can never really get over that feeling of, is this tin can really going to fly this time? Or is this the time that it all fails? I know it’s not really a rational fear. More than likely nothing will ever happen to me while flying. But it’s still there every time we take off.

Now that we have kids, it’s even more interesting. I have to remain calm for their sake. I need to remember to be calm and act like everything is ok. That there is no question that this plane will make it off the ground. Which is actually one of the ways that has made it easier to fly this year. Max is amazed and enthralled by both the take off and landing. So, I’m able to see it through his eyes and be happy and excited with him, and it kind of makes everything a little easier to get through.

We had another great flight though. Max actually took a nap for the first half of the flight. And Chloe slept off and on. All in all it was a pretty great experience. Just a little minor anxiety. But there’s nothing new about that for me.

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