Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Searching for the light

"Why would the world need more anger, more outrage?"

I read these words this morning in Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts. Her books talks about finding the gifts that God has already given and is always giving us and naming them.

But this line stuck out to me.

There is so much anger and hate and outrage over little things in our world. What if we could bring more joy into this world instead of more hatred?

Jesus said that the world would know us by our love. Yet it seems to know us only by our hate.

I know that one more person looking for God's gifts and naming them won't change all of that. But I do know that it can change me and the world around me.

For a long time I've seen the world as pretty bleak. I don't watch the news. I try not to follow too much with politics. It's not that I don't pay attention or notice when things are happening. I've just decided that for me it just doesn't make sense to allow the hatred of the world into my mind and heart more than it already is.

Maybe instead of just ignoring the hate in the world, I actively sought out the gifts in my life and tried to focus on those, I could bring a light to my little corner of the world.

I know that my dark corner sure could use some light.


  1. It would be amazing if we each shared the light of Christ from within us instead of hiding it!

  2. Powerful words. More love, less hate. More light, less darkness. May God's light shine through us!

    Thanks for sharing this.
