Thursday, March 10, 2016

I'm Possible

I'm putting a video at the beginning of this post, if you have 25 minutes, I cannot recommend this video enough. Although, you should beware that it might inspire you to do things that you've always wanted to do, but were afraid of. I'll continue my post underneath the video, to tell you what it inspired me to do.

So, for a long time I've had plans of what to do with my life. They have seemed too big, too scary, for me to actually go through with them though.

If you knew me in high school and college, and I let you inside my mind, which I never really did, you would have found these big dreams.

I wanted to be a full time musician.

I wanted to be a full time writer.

Back then I just thought this stuff was going to happen to me.

Someone was going to hear me sing and the rest would be history.

I now know that just doesn't really happen.

Somewhere along the way these last few years I've let most of these dreams go.

They've been replaced with things that I love and would never give up.

I replaced them with a family, and all that being a stay at home dad entails.

But some part of my mind has always kept dreaming. Kept planning big things. Kept showing me things I could do to make these things possible.

But I kept hearing this other voice in my head saying, "You can't do that."

I would dream up a plan to record videos of me singing, both my own songs and covers. "You don't have a good enough camera."

I'll record some music without the video then. "You don't even have a mic that's worth recording with."

I even had a plan to make my way through the Psalms and try to rewrite each one into a song. "No one would ever want to hear that. How could you even think to rewrite the Psalms anyway? Let alone, do you know how long that would take?"

Meanwhile I do nothing to get myself any closer to any of the things I've dreamed up over the years.

I've got a whole box of music that I've written. Haven't touched it in years, let alone added anything to it.

All of this to say that I need to change this.

I need to start something. But I also need to stay with it. So, I don't know what to say here.

If I say I'm going to start some huge project, I'll probably only do it for like a week before I just give up and move on to the next excuse.

But yet something in Jeremy Cowart's video speaks to me and says I should put myself out there and let people who know and care about me so that they can both support me and hold me to my word.

So, here goes...

I'm going to write three blog posts a week on this blog. If you like what I write here and want to support me, you can always share it with your friends and let me know that you enjoy it.

I'm going to record at least two videos a month of me doing songs. I'll try and do one a week, but I don't know anything about what it will take to edit or record them, so I'll start off with a smaller goal and work from there. Part of this will also include me going back through my old songs and seeing if any of them are worth anything.


I've said it.

I've put it out there.

Now all there is left to do is to do it.


  1. I believe in you! More importantly, God gave you the dreams and He believes in you!!!

  2. Good goals. I know stuff gets in the way, but I also know passion can be stronger than excuses. Go for it!
