Monday, March 28, 2016

He Has Never Left Us And Never Will

Yesterday we celebrated Easter. The resurrection of our Savior.

We walked through the story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus.

In this story we find that Jesus has been with us the whole time.

Even when we thought all hope was lost. He was there with us.

When we thought it was the end of all of our plans. He was there with us.

When everything seems to be going wrong. He was there with us.

He has never left our side.

We may not have always seen Him there. But that has more to do with us not really looking for Him.

It's like playing a game with a child. You pretend not to see them, even though they are right in front of you. But the whole time you pretend to be searching them out.

If you do this with a kid, after a while, they'll be saying, "I'm right here. Can't you see me?"

God is always with us. He will never forsake us.

Looking back at the Crucifixion and burial period, I'm reminded that even in death, Jesus never really left us. They could not see Him, and were frightened. But His spirit was with them the whole time.

If we could all just have our eyes opened to see Jesus moving around in our lives, we would see that He is everywhere.

No matter where we go, He has gone before us.

No matter how many times we deny Him, He will still call us His beloved.

I pray that where ever you are and whatever situation you find yourself in today, that you would feel the closeness of Jesus today. That you might feel His loving arms embrace you and feel His hand in yours.

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