Sunday, April 5, 2015

Lent day 47

I was trying to explain to Max this morning why we celebrate Easter, and it occurred to me just how crazy the whole story is.

Sometimes I don’t think we really think about how strange our stories are until we try to explain them to a child.

I found a book and read it to Max to try to explain the whole story. He knew parts of it, but hadn’t really put the pieces together yet.

I think that’s the way most of us are. We have heard most of these stories all of our lives and yet don’t really seem to fully grasp them.

For me, I think, that has a lot to do with not spending enough time reading my Bible.

Over the last 47 days I’ve found the act of setting time aside to read the Bible and write a little about what I’ve learned to be an amazing way to actually digest what I’m reading.

I don’t know if I’ll keep up this daily writing thing from here on out, but I’ll try to get on a schedule that I can keep writing more often.

But through my daily reading and thinking on these things I’ve come to a whole new understanding about the story of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.

I’ve come to see that the story of Jesus is still very much alive today, if we open our eyes to see it around us.

Each day before I read, I try to pray a little pray asking God to open my eyes, ears, mind, and heart, so that I may hear and understand what He has to tell me that day.

I think I need to remember that He speaks to us in our daily lives just as easily as our Bible study times.

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