Wednesday, June 18, 2014

My Own Faith

So, yesterday I talked about your worldview growing as you explore further out and it brought to my mind my journey in faith.

When I was born, I was born into a Christian family and have known God my whole life.

But as I look back now, as a child I had inherited my parents faith and belief system.

Not that this is bad or that their faith is wrong, just that it wasn’t entirely my own as a child.

Then I went off to college and lost my faith for a little while, or maybe it would better be said that I tried to deny my faith.

Then as I found myself at the ends of my rope, I looked around and I found God right there with me.

This changed everything for me.

Once I had met God for myself, I made my faith my own.

I have discovered that a lot of my faith is still the same as my parents, but that it is no longer theirs but mine.

It has become a personal relationship as opposed to a relationship through my parents.

I believe that this is the journey in so much of life.

You can be taught whatever you want to be taught.

But until you believe it for yourself, it won’t be true in your life.

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