Thursday, May 21, 2015

dad and DAD

So, I’ve been reading Francis Chan’s book, Crazy Love, these past few days and today I read about his relationship with his own earthly father and how that affected his relationship with his Heavenly Father.

His dad was abusive and he feared him.

So, when Francis became a Christian, he found it easy to fear God and was drawn to the passage about an angry and vengeful God. That was the way he knew to receive love.

But, as he grew in his faith, and especially when he became a father himself, he realized this was not the fullness of God’s love for him.

I’ve had a pretty good relationship with my dad.

But I still know that this has affected my relationship with God.

When I was a kid, if I had a problem, I would usually go to my mom.

This has kind of made it difficult to bring my problems to God. I usually just don’t want to bother Him with my little problems.

He’s God. Why would He care about my little problems?

Even the biggest problems in my life are nothing to Him, or compared to others problems.

Who am I to bring my them to Him and expect Him to even listen let alone care?

Chan talked about as he became a father and realized the extent of his love for his own children that he realized God’s love for him was even greater than that.

After all, if we fallen humans can love our children and care about each and every one of their needs, how much more so does our perfect Heavenly Father love us, His children?

Being a parent has also helped me to more fully understand the anger and wrath parts of God too.

When my kids aren’t listening or are purposely going against my wishes, it can be hard not to get angry with them.

It’s when you have to make the rules that you finally understand that rules are there to help you not just keep you from having fun.

I only pray that in me, my children can catch a tiny glimpse of the love that their Heavenly Father has for them.

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