Wednesday, May 20, 2015

“Biblical Marriage”

Not everyone will like this post. But it is something I feel I need to write. So, here goes…

Many Christians in today’s society, when they talk against same sex marriage use the term “Biblical Marriage” as their main defense.

With this they mean, one man and one woman.

But as I read the Bible I find it hard to see that in there.

I see men marrying several women.

I see men treating women as their property.

I see men with wives and concubines and slave girls and also the town prostitute.

Now, I’m not saying that these people were really living by God’s intended rules or that they weren’t sinning.

But, it seems that the idea of marriage in the bible simply meant that you had sex, and that men could have sex with whomever they wanted.

This may have also been just part of the culture that they were surrounded by.

I’m not saying here that I believe we should all except same sex marriage, even though I don’t see why it’s such a big issue to Christians.

I’m really just saying that I don’t see how our main defense against it being ok, is to say that we should have biblical marriages.

Because if I lived by the rules of the bible and tried to have more than one wife, for one my wife would leave me.

Now, if by “Biblical Marriage” you mean that we should live by God’s laws inside of our marriages, that is a whole other thing.

I believe that we should do this.

But I also believe that that God said to love one another, and spouting that you are loving the sinner while hating the sin, while yelling at the people you disprove of, is not what I would really call love.

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