Monday, October 15, 2012

Setting An Example

I’ve been realizing lately that I’m not setting the greatest example for my kids. I’m not proud of the way that I’ve let some things slip in my life. I’m not proud of the way I’m not an example of how to live you life. Whether you look at how I my health is horrible. I’m extremely out of shape. I’ve never really done anything with my life and I find myself getting lower everyday.

But all of this really pales in comparison to how I’ve let my spiritual life fall by the wayside. There are reasons for some of this. But more than likely they are just excuses that I make to make myself feel better about letting my family down.

I have very vivid memories of seeing my dad spending time daily reading his bible and spending time with God. Sure he was a pastor and this was part of his job. But it was always more than that. You could tell that it was what he drew from for how to live his life.

I find myself now, not being very good about reading my bible or making it a priority to spend time in prayer. I can’t even bring myself to make it to church most weeks. I make excuses that I need to sleep or I’m not feeling well. But for the most part it’s just not a priority in my life. I want it to be. But it’s just not.

This really wasn’t that big of a deal for me before having kids. But now I know that Max and Chloe are watching my every move. They are learning how to live their lives from what they see me do. And I know that I’m not the best example most of the time.

I don’t have any answers here. I’m not going to make a promise that I’ll spend time each day reading my bible or make sure to be in church each week. We all know how good I am at keeping the promises I make on this blog. But I am going to try to be a better example to my kids. I’m going to try to make more time to spend with God and make sure that my kids see me making this a priority.

They are going to learn from they way I live my life. I just hope that they learn some good things from me along the way.

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