Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1/31

So today was day one for me of going through 31 Days To Finding Your Blogging Mojo by Bryan Allain. The question that he put to the reader was to think about what your blog would look like when it is running full steam. I took this as a way of looking at my goals for this blog. I haven’t really been all that certain about what I was wanting to do with it. But I really think this exercise made me think about what I wanted to do here. I’ve stated some of it here before but here is my response to the question.

“That’s a hard question for me. I’d like to have a fair amount of readers and maybe a little income coming from it. I’d like to be able to post regularly and come up with things that people really want to read. I’d like to get my voice out there. See if there is anyone else with my problems and see if we can help each other fix them. I’d like for my writing to reach people. To connect with people and affect positive change in their lives. That if a bumbling idiot like me can do something, then they are more than capable of doing it too. I’d like to get my music out there and share the gifts that I believe God has given me. I’d like others to hear me and have a conversation with me. I’d like to find some way of making this my life. To write for a living and bring some money into the family with it.”

I think it’s interesting that I mentioned twice that I want to make money doing this. I’ve thought about it some, but I guess it really is the point of it. Right now I’m not making anything. But that’s because I haven’t looked into ways of putting ads on here or things like that. But I think that comes back to feeling bad about putting so much pressure on Jennifer to make all the money for the family. I know that I won’t make much doing this. But in some ways it would be nice to bring a little into the family. Make me feel a little less like a stay-at-home loser and more like a contributing member of society.

That’s all for today. I’ll try to post again in the next few days. Thank you for taking this trip with me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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