Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Born Again

On Sunday, Pastor Jason talked about what it means to be born again.

This can be a very hard topic for some people, because just like Nicodemus, when Jesus told him that he must be born again, we don't fully understand what that really means.

How can we reenter our mother's womb after we're fully grown?

This doesn't seem like something our mothers would be willing to do.

Also, like Jason said, there has been a bad connotation that has been connected to the phrase "born again"

It can sometimes mean hateful and judgmental to those around us.

So, what do we do with the term?

Do we stop using it because some people don't understand it?

Do we try and reclaim it, and do our best to show the world that it truly means for us to be born of the Holy Spirit?

That it means we are in a sense new people with new priorities and new motives.

I believe we need to reclaim it and try our best to let the Holy Spirit show itself through our lives, that others may see Him through us, and know beyond a doubt that we are new creations.

I also had a thought during church that I don't think I'd ever thought of before.

Jesus calls us to be born again and also to live with childlike faith.

I realized that if you are to be truly born again, you will be a child again. But this time in your faith.

You won't be perfect. Most things don't change overnight.

You will slip and fall. You will miss the mark.

But luckily for us, we have a Heavenly Father that is always there to pick us up, brush us off, and help us get back on the path.

Maybe that's why Jesus uses the term born again.

He wanted to show us that we will be newborns in our faith, but that He will always be there with us.

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