Thursday, October 1, 2015

Open for interpretation

First off, sorry for the long hiatus. It’s been a long, crazy, hectic, and busy summer. But hopefully I can now get back into the habit of writing some more.

I wrote a whole post today and then deleted it because I realized that I wasn’t sure if the stories actually connected the way I had originally thought they did.

If they did, then I promise you I made some great points and it was a great post.

If they didn’t, which at the end of it I just wasn’t sure anymore, then I still may have made some good points but it really wouldn’t have been a good post in my opinion.

But, it brought to mind how easy it is to read the Bible and connect things in it in any way you want to. You can twist the words around anyway you want to prove any point you want.

This is true with anything. But I think is used more with interpreting the Bible than anything else.

We have our opinions and we search through the Bible to find things that back up our point and use them to prove everyone else wrong.

If you are pro-war, you focus on God calling and leading the Israelites into battle. But completely ignore the verse “Blessed are the peacemakers.”

I could do many more examples, but all that would do is get certain people mad at me and have them thinking that because I used it as an example it is the way I believe.

This problem is one of the reasons, I believe, God gave us the church.

If we all went on just how we were to read the Bible, there would be millions of different religions all believing different things.

But if we can come together and openly talk about the ways we interpret the Bible, and listen to the ways others do, then we can find it’s true meaning.

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